#31. Vietnamese ghost dog - 02

 White dog with red nose and cane hat

According to the elders, it is not suitable to keep a red-nosed white dog at home. This kind of dog is a demon disguised as a dog and will cause harm to the owner. Feed it, usually a dog; but sometimes it takes human form to harm humans.

I have heard many stories of white dogs becoming pure, and the dog owners are victims.

There is a story about a rich man who had a white dog with a red nose, only a dog with a red nose is worth seeing, if it is a dog with a white nose or a black nose or some other color, dog is just a dog with many ears. Disaster. His bitch gave birth to five dogs, including a red-nosed white dog. Many people advised him to kill it or raise it to adulthood before plucking it. He refused to listen and said:

- Any dog is a dog, white dog, black dog, pit bull, yellow dog, whether the nose is black, beige or white, a dog is still a dog.

He has dogs. Some friends nearby saw that he had a litter of dogs, so they asked him for it. No one wanted a white dog with a red nose.

This dog, after the lactation period, started to eat rice quickly, adult, beautiful, fierce dog, good housekeeper, life like other dogs and also likes to eat dirty things!

Advise him to be careful, lest it crystallize, he does not believe it, thinks it is a myth, and thinks it is just superstition.

His house has a tiled roof with a sloping roof. There are gutters to collect rainwater into shallow pools. The roof is difficult to climb. Every time the house leaks, it is difficult to climb up a tile to replace a tile. But one night, he heard someone walking on the roof with a stick. He thought it was a thief, so he pretended to cough so that the thief could see that someone was awake. As he coughed, the noise on the roof gradually faded away, and disappeared completely when it reached the gable. Hearing the same sound again the next night, he got up and lit the lamp, and the sound gradually disappeared. Then the third night, the fourth night, the same thing happened again. The thief was very courageous, and his pursuit method was effective every night, and did not scare the thief half to death. I had no choice but to stalk him so that the thief would not dare to come to his house to make money again. He took down the crossbow that had been sitting on the roof, and put down the bundle of arrows, and on Thursday night he loaded the arrows into the crossbow and waited, the yard door was open, not closed, only ajar.

About midnight he heard the same noise as four nights before, and he tiptoed open the door and stepped into the yard, crossbow in hand.

It was a dark night with no moon. Although there were many stars, the light of the stars was not bright enough for people to see clearly what they wanted to see. Walking out of the yard, the rich man looked up at the roof. The room he slept in was close to the gable wall, and he stood in front of the room as soon as he got out of the yard. Looking up at the roof, he could only see where he was standing, but he couldn't see clearly on the other side. In that clear vision, he vaguely saw a figure with a hat on his head and a cane in his hand, walking step by step. He was amazed at how strange it was to steal, with a hat and a stick to steal. He looked intently, and through the darkness, he saw a man who was not tall, like a child of seven or eight years old, with short arms and short legs! What kind of child would be naughty with the devil? The black figure looked up into the distance from time to time, as if waiting, or waiting for something!

No matter, whoever he is, whether it's a thief or a naughty child, he also raised his crossbow arrow and shot an arrow in the direction of the shadow, deliberately shooting a little farther away from the target, intimidating, he didn't mean to hit, e if When you die as a child, you will regret it. The arrow shot out, about one meter away from the shadow. The black shadow froze for a moment, then with a wave, he got into the darkness and disappeared!

When he returned to the room, he couldn't help but think about what happened just now, lying on the bed thinking about it, he fell asleep.

The next morning, as soon as he woke up, before he had time to make tea and water, his wife asked:

- Teacher, what did he do with the hat I threw in the kitchen yesterday afternoon?

- It's late at night, what about the hat, I forgot

His wife did not forget that when she came back from the field, she put the hat on the ear of the rice mill. She went to the field this morning and could not find it again.

Phu Ong made tea and poured a glass of water for his wife. Then his son came in from the garden, took his mother's hat and said:

- My mother's hat, whoever brought it to the garden fence, I found it. Beside the hat is this cane.

Fu An said:

 - It must be a naughty person.

The wife said nothing, and after drinking her tea, she took her hat and put it on her head, and went down to attend to the farmers and planters. The rich man went on thinking about his hat and cane. Then a neighbor comes to visit, and the rich man tells him what happened last night, including how his wife's hat was thrown over the fence. Without further ado, the neighbor drank water, ate betel nuts, smoked a cigarette, and left. At the gate, he invites the rich man to his house because he has a story to tell.

While the rich man was talking to his wife and children, and to the neighbors, the white-nosed and red-nosed dogs kept wandering under the bed, or out into the yard, and then back again. If it is a person, there is suspicion of wiretapping.

After a while, the rich man came to visit his neighbor's house. After inviting guests into the house to eat betel nuts and drink water, the neighbor said:

- The reason why I invite you here is because I don't want the red-nosed white dog to hear the story I told you. I noticed it was hanging around, eavesdropping on what he was saying to me, and what I was about to say to him.

Surprised, he asked:

- White dogs can eavesdrop?

- correct! This white dog is not a dog, but a demon, and the black shadow he saw on the roof is it.

Fu An said:

 - I don't believe it, how can a dog know how to walk on two legs while wearing a hat?

Neighbor said:

- My goodness! He is too flamboyant! As a demon, it can walk on one leg, or even two. Haven't you heard the elders say about the red-nosed white dog?

Feng shook his head. The neighbor continued:

- They say the red-nosed white dog is a dog-shaped demon. It often walks on rooftops wearing a cane hat.

- what does it do?

- So you think the dark shadow walking on your roof is a child? What child is so naughty at night! Besides, how dare a child run away without firing an arrow! Yes, but fell down! What else climbs to the roof, I think, to wait for its demonic companions. It could have been a meeting with many other demons dressed as red-nosed white dogs at his home or elsewhere. It looks into the distance to see its friends.

Fu He thought for a while, and said:

- In our village, no one keeps a red-nosed white dog anymore except me!

The neighbor laughed and said:

- you are so stupid! It's not waiting for dogs in our village! As a demon, you can date even if you are thousands of miles away. You dog, he probably made an appointment with his accomplices, and these accomplices are not close.

The rich man did not speak, but with a suspicious expression on his face, he smoked a shredded tobacco with a cigarette, chewed a piece of betel nut, and said to his neighbor:

 - I know what you say, but I don't believe that a red-nosed white dog is a demon. A dog is a dog, and a demon is a demon. How can a dog be a demon?

- Believe it or not is your right to reincarnate your white dog.

Mr. Fu thanked the neighbor for what he said. He left with doubts. He found that there was some truth in what the neighbor said: whose son would be so stupid at night. And if it was a human being, how could he pounce on an arrow.

Back in the yard, the white dog wagged its tail happily. Looking at it, he didn't see anything that looked like a demon. He doesn't listen to the neighbor's reincarnation because of it, but loves it like a dog wagging its tail to greet its master. Plus, the dogs are friendly too!

He kept the dog until something bad happened to his family. He had his first daughter Vuong when she was 18 years old. Ms. Vuong looks salty and charming. There are many boys in the village who want to be rich.

Ms Vuong was born with a disease, and no matter what medication she took, she sometimes lost her mind. After waking up, she told her parents that she had been dreaming of a handsome young man proposing to her through the window all night. She couldn't resist, and since she was held in his arms by this young man, she began to get sick. She told her parents that the young man was very strange and never said a word. He came and urged her. After the rain, he left. She asked, he didn't answer, she couldn't resist, she wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound.

Wealthy grandparents fear their daughter must be haunted by an evil spirit. On the one hand, he took care of the doorman. He asked the master to stick amulets in Miss Fifth's room, which could also drive away evil spirits.

He could do whatever he wanted, and at night she saw a handsome guy who didn't speak rape her, her body became thinner and whiter.

Rich people take advantage of the right to watch the doors and windows, and sometimes he himself gets up in the middle of the night to go to his daughter's bedroom. However, another strange thing happened to the rich man as Ms. Vuong was disturbed by the evil spirit. Sometimes late at night he heard dishes being washed outside the kettle, and once he ran out with a farmer and saw a figure running away, leaving behind a basket of dirty dishes. And it's like this every night, just like his family's rice, there is a lot of empty rice, and someone scoops up the rice at night. Who is it, he is very worried.

He expressed his concerns to neighbors. This person said:

- I told you not to listen! Everything that happened today was because of his red-nosed white dog. It was the devil, it turned out that the mute raped his son, and he invited fellow devils to his house to eat, drink and wash the dishes! Beware one day they will kill your family! The elders said that once upon a time there was a house where a white dog was kept in love. When bad luck happened, the family members died one by one, one was not buried, and the other died. The teacher was very proud to cure it!

The neighbor's words made the rich man even more worried. He asked what to do now, and the neighbor replied:

- Only way to invite wizards. And what needs to be done most is to transform the red-nosed white dog. But it is already a crystal, so be careful, it can know your intentions. If it knows that you are going to reincarnate it, then you have to be careful not to let it become your past life. Don't tell anyone your intentions, not even her or your kids, and then, at a convenient time, all of a sudden, you throw it away with a knife or a hammer.

Phu Ong left sadly. Regret that the neighbor who didn't know the previous life turned into a red-nosed white dog! Now that he has made up his mind, he will kill the white dog and get rid of the demon seed!

He tried to get rid of the red-nosed white dog, but he couldn't. Perhaps the dog was well aware of his intentions, so that although he stayed in his house, no one could come near him, and sometimes he and a strong hunter did not understand what miracle it was, and it always escaped. , even when the mighty manage to put it on the noose of the chain.

Neighbors asked him about Miss V and White Dog, but he never brought these stories to rich people's homes. He only told stories when he met rich people on the street or when rich people came. In his house, he smokes, eats betel nuts, and drinks water. He advised the rich man to be careful, don't let the dog know that he is going to kill him. If he knows, he will find a way to kill you first.

The neighbor's words worried him even more, so that everywhere there was enough charm to hear the voice of any overbearing magician, and he invited him to come to the house for an exorcism and treatment of Ms. Wahe. It's so expensive that the results go nowhere!

Then one night, as soon as he woke up, he went to Miss V's room to visit her son and watch the vigilance of the powerful. The strong man leaned against the window to sleep, and under the curtain, Miss Vuong's figure seemed a little blurry. He raised his voice to awaken the Force, and suddenly a white shadow jumped out from the curtain, rushed into the window, and disappeared over the man's head. There was no figure in the white shadow, let alone the figure of the cane ball with the helmet he saw on the rooftop before. Combining two balls into one, maybe it is a red-nosed white dog!

His anxiety doubled. He sat there chatting with the strong man for a while, took care of his daughter, and then went back to his bedroom. As he approached the gable of the house, he heard the rustling behind the house where the garden lay. He suspected that the thief was going in to steal something, so he climbed to the wall and peeped through the crack in the wall. Not a thief, what he saw made him sweat! He saw a group of people and dogs sitting around eating and drinking. There were two people, and the rest were all dogs, all about the size of seven or eight-year-old children. There are dogs, dogs with human heads, and dogs with dog shapes. They ate and talked. Look at the plate sandwiched between the man and the dog, it is the plate for his family's food. Chopsticks are still bowls and chopsticks that are still used every day.

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end at the sight of man and dog eating and drinking together, but when he heard them talking to each other he lost his mind again. They discussed that a whore would take the soul of his daughter, and then take the souls of his son Uncle Tang and her sixteen-year-old brother.

A human-headed dog said to another dog:

- You want to catch Tuong, you must catch him immediately! Be careful his dad knows that his dad will ruin the job by sending him somewhere else!

The other dog, also with a human head, replied:

- His father knew how to do it. What I say here, anyone can listen.

One of the two, a dog in human form, said:

- Then his father and son, we'll catch them. They will die before they are buried!

The rich man was so frightened that he slipped back to the bedroom, walking very quietly, for fear of disturbing the demon dog, and the consequences would be bad.

The next morning, he looked ahead, but he didn't see a red-nosed white dog, so he quietly told his wife what he saw the night before, and she took Tuong to his house that morning. Grandma, stay away from his house in another village.

He ran to the neighbor's house again, told what happened at his house the night before, and asked him how to deal with the demon dog. The neighbor said:

 - The only way now is to find Master Tu and ask for a spell to cover the whole house, maybe they can be eliminated!

He said that he invited some high-level teachers of the Tu nationality to fill the house with talismans, but to no avail. Next door neighbor now has only one way to pray to God and Buddha. He persuaded his grandparents to burn incense and worship gods at night, and go to the pagoda to worship Buddha separately. He also suggested that the rich man regularly visit the public house in the village and pray to the Qinghuang God so that he can use his power to destroy the demons.

No way, the rich man and his wife had no choice but to go to the temple to pray to the Buddha separately and pray for the Buddha to bless the family through the difficulties. At night, he and his wife burn incense and pray in mid-air.

Grandparents and grandparents went to mass, prayed to God, prayed to God, and the usual unusual things happened in his family. Miss Wach still dreams at night that someone is begging for willow flowers, and the sound of washing dishes outside the kettle can always be heard at night. Fortunately, he overheard the dog barking and sent Uncle Tang away, thus avoiding his son's accident! The grandparents and grandchildren were worried and afraid, and they were all haggard and haggard, as if they had lost their spirits.

While his family was in this state, one day an old nun came to his house to advise him. He brought rice money to support. After receiving the money for the meal, the monk left to go to another house. The monk did not leave, but let him stay at home for a few days. The monk said:

- The poor nuns who came from afar are tired and cannot continue to give. Please benefactors, if the house is big enough, the poor nuns can stay for a few meals. When the poor nuns come back healthy, they will leave.

The rich couple grandly welcomed and invited the monk to live in the upper house, which is the main house of the family. The old monk suggested to the two grandfathers that he wanted to find a place to chant Buddha. The old monk said:

- The poor nun is a practitioner, and he has to recite Buddhist scriptures every day. Dare to bother the benefactor to lend incense to the poor nun to go to the altar.

The rich man and his wife invited old monks to place the Buddhist altar on the altar of their ancestors, so that the rich man's ancestors could also hear the scriptures.

The old monk took out a Buddha statue from the basket and put it on the incense stick, higher than the top of the agarwood. Then the incense was lit, and the old monk began to chant the Buddha's name. The rich man couldn't understand what the old monk was chanting. He only knew that the old monk concentrated on chanting, ignoring everything outside, and only had one meal at noon every day. He made offerings, and the old monk and monk chanted scriptures late at night. The old monk recited it like this, and he often recited it for three days. When he recited the time of conception, he recited it from midnight to morning.

The rich man and his wife brought food and water to the old man, and suddenly felt relieved, and all the troubles seemed to disappear. What's remarkable is that from the day the old monk recited the scriptures, for three consecutive nights, no ghosts happened. Ms. Vuong didn't see the devil coming to rape at night, and the star dog didn't seem to come to the rich man's party.

On the morning of the fourth day, the old monk left the rich man and his wife to continue teaching the Fa. The two grandparents wanted to keep it, but the old monk didn't give him food for a few days because the old monk often disturbed them. The grandparents didn't return until they saw the monk had left the village.

After arriving home, the rich man told the rich man that the red-nosed white dog lay dead in the bamboo forest for some reason.

Only then did the rich man understand that the old monk was an eminent monk who prayed for his family to exorcise demons.

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