#21. Vietnamese Grass Dog: Characteristic Features, Personality, Selling Price

 Vietnamese Grass Dog: Characteristic Features, Personality, Selling Price

At present, in addition to expensive imported dogs, there is also a breed of Vietnamese Co dogs, which are popular because of their agility, liveliness, intelligence, and ease of breeding and training.

If you have the need to buy a dog as a pet, you can consider raising this breed. The following article will give the most complete and accurate introduction to the Grass breed. Please stay tuned.

Chó Cỏ Việt Nam vô cùng thông minh

Origin of the Grass dog

The origin of the dog is so ancient that it seems that it has been the daily companion of the people of Vietnam for the past 6000 years. Not only are they companions as friends, but they have been raised to guard homes and protect livestock and poultry.

Coyote is the common name for all purebred dogs native to Vietnam. The name is simple, but it is often used to distinguish it from other imported breeds.

Currently, in Vietnam, there are 4 well-known Cow dogs: Lai dog, Bac Ha dog, H'Mong dog and Phu Quoc dog. The Lai dog is the most bred dog in Vietnam but must be mentioned in the North Midlands and mountains. The Phu Quoc dog was the first dog breed to be listed as a separate breed.

Nguồn gốc về loài chó Cỏ
Origin of the Grass dog

Appearance characteristics of grass dogs

Because it is a purebred Vietnamese dog, the appearance characteristics of Vietnamese Co dogs are quite different from imported breeds. The following are the most prominent physical characteristics of the breed:


Because they are breeds raised by the Vietnamese for housekeeping, they have extremely well-proportioned and agile bodies. They don't have the muscular build of a pitbull, but the dog's thighs and shoulder blades are very strong.

Their slender legs and thick, fleshy toes allow them to run faster and walk more gracefully, without the slightest sound. The neck is quite long, without excess fat, giving the impression that the figure is very well-proportioned.

The head is not too large, but is slender and well proportioned to the body. The Straw Dog's face is triangular in shape, resembling that of a wolf, and the dog's muzzle is short, dark, slightly elongated, and broad at the base of the muzzle.

Vietnamese dogs usually have pink tongues, and many dogs also have spots on their tongues, so grandparents believe that dogs with spotted tongues are usually smart dogs and good housekeepers.

The body of this dog is extremely fit, with well-developed muscles in the thighs, back, shoulder blades, etc. Although the body is not as big as foreign dogs, the body of the grass dog is still very well-proportioned. fit.


The Straw Dog breed is of medium size, neither too large nor too small. Most of these dogs are much longer in body length than they are tall.

When mature, they can reach a height of 45-65 cm and a weight of 10-25 kg. As with other dog breeds, male Coyote are usually taller than females, but the difference is not significant.

Hair color

Our purebred dogs come in a wide variety of coat colors. Most dogs have solid coat colors such as jet black, buff, white and brown. In addition, there are dogs that combine the 4 main colors mentioned above.

Many dogs have spots or white spots above the eyes, and four-eyed dogs are often said to be very intelligent. The Phu Quoc breed has brindle colors with swirls on the back. It is because of this special coat color and intelligence that Phu Quoc dogs are extremely expensive.


The coat of the Straw Dog breed is fairly thick, shaggy and hardy. However, the Lai breed, the short coat is suitable for the hot and humid weather in Vietnam.

Đặc điểm ngoại hình của chó Cỏ
Appearance characteristics of grass dogs

Characteristic characteristics of Vietnamese grass dog

Because it is a purebred dog from Vietnam, the character of this dog breed is also very different from that of imported breeds. The following are the most basic character traits of the Vietnamese Grass Dog:

Live sentimental, loyal

By virtue of the inherent characteristics of the breed, purebred dogs are remarkably loyal. They only listen to the opinions of family members who have many connections. If they sense danger, they may be willing to sacrifice themselves to keep their owners safe.

In addition to being loyal, this dog is also affectionate. When they meet their loved ones, they show interest and wag their tails happily.

Fun, sociable

This dog is also very happy and sociable. They always get along well with their family members, are very happy, and even make very loving actions, such as resting their heads on their owners, or licking people's faces and hands with their tongues.

They are also happy to play with the kids. However, with strangers, they will have the opposite attitude. They bark to warn their owners of approaching strangers, and are even ready to bite strangers when there is a sign of danger. Therefore, you should be careful of grass dogs you don't know.


Not only is this dog loyal and sociable, but he is also incredibly intelligent. It is this kind of wisdom that is loved by the Vietnamese people and cultivated as the guardian of the house.

They are listed as one of the most cunning dog breeds in Vietnam. They can sense when their owners are sad or happy, and will make hugs and gestures of love. Therefore, they are not only pet dogs, but also special close friends of the Vietnamese people.

Tính cách đặc trưng của chó Cỏ Việt Nam
Characteristic characteristics of Vietnamese grass dogs

Some beautiful pictures of the Grass dog breed

To help people easily visualize the grass dog breed, here are some beautiful pictures of this adorable dog:

Chó Cỏ tại Việt Nam
Grass Dogs in Vietnam
Chó Cỏ Việt Nam dễ chăm sóc
Vietnamese Grass Dogs are easy to take care of
Chó Cỏ vô cùng trung thành
Grass Dog is extremely loyal
Chó Cỏ con
Baby Grass Dog
Chó Cỏ lúc đẻ
Grass Dog at birth

Why should you raise a Black Grass dog?

Quite a few people hunt for Black Grass dogs. So why should these dogs be raised?

Easy to train

Most black dogs are usually intelligent and extremely agile dogs. Therefore, it is easier for owners to train them than other dog breeds.

Easy to take care of

These dogs are generally easy to feed. Their food is usually not as complex as other dog breeds.

They can eat vegetable rice, soup rice, pilaf rice, and even white rice... which makes it easier for farmers to take care of them.

Additionally, Straw Dogs suffer from fewer diseases than other breeds. They rarely suffer from minor illnesses. If the diet is unscientific, you can only have diarrhea.

Look good

Pair it with glossy black fur for an extremely eye-catching look. In addition, the coat adds a wholesome, dynamic and extremely luxurious look. This is why many people wish to buy a dog with a black coat.

Tại sao nên nuôi chó Cỏ đen?
Why should you raise a Black Grass dog?

Tips to take care of the Grass breed dog properly

While it's an easy-care dog breed with few illnesses, to ensure your dog's well-rounded development, here are tips for proper care:


Although Vietnamese grass dogs are delicious, they also need to pay attention to their diet. You should cook your food well, it will be better for their digestive system. Also, you should avoid rancid food, which can cause diarrhea, dysentery...

For puppies, you should not feed them bones that are too large due to the potential risk of bone choking.

Very popular foods for grass dogs, such as pork, beef, liver, kidney, eggs, and chicken neck...these foods can help your pet dog grow fast and develop a good skeletal system.


These dogs are very agile and active, so they like to run and jump. Therefore, you should create a spacious and airy living environment for your dog to develop optimally.

Daily cleaning

Hygiene is also something farmers need to pay special attention to. You should bathe your dog regularly every 7-10 days to avoid odors and limit skin diseases, fungus or mites.

The owner should clean and dry the cage to avoid musty, musty smell from sticking to your pet.

Những mẹo chăm sóc dòng chó Cỏ đúng cách
Tips to take care of the Grass breed dog properly

Distinguishing famous Vietnamese grass dog breeds

Currently, Vietnam has quite a few very famous Codog breeds, but not everyone knows about them. Here we will distinguish between these varieties:

Bac Ha Dog

Bac Ha dog, also known as Xom dog, is one of the most beautiful Vietnamese dog breeds today.

Beihe dogs appeared a long time ago. Experts speculate that they most likely appeared in the Houli Dynasty, when the Mongols migrated to the northern mountains.

The average size of a Bac Ha dog is the same as that of a purebred dog in Vietnam. But one characteristic is that their fur is very long and wrinkled, which is no different from the Tibetan Chow at first glance. The common coat colors of this breed are white, gray, red, brown, cream yellow...

The Bac Ho is one of the most intelligent and agile dog breeds in Vietnam. Even in places with difficult terrain such as the mountains in the northwest, they run very fast.

Phu Quoc Dog

Phu Quoc Dog is also one of the most famous dog breeds in Vietnam. They are known to be descended from the French Ridgeback breed. In 2008, the Phu Quoc Dog was recognized as a breed from Vietnam by the International Canine Association.

The striking appearance is the swirly feathers on the back. Their feet are webbed like ducks, so they swim well.

This is also a dog known for being intelligent, gentle and absolutely loyal. In addition, they also have a very special function, which is to dig holes and give birth. At present, the price of such dogs is quite expensive, 3.5-7.5 million VND per dog.

Chó Phú Quốc
Phu Quoc Dog

Lai Dog

Lai Dog is the most popular dog in Vietnam. Every family in rural areas will keep at least 1-2 dogs to guard the house.

The Lai originated from a very famous hunting dog. This breed is quite large, with a height of 43 to 66 cm and a weight of 24 to 34 kg. With this size, they are very agile and active.

The breed is highly intelligent and courageous - notable traits carried over from their wolf ancestors. It is because of this characteristic that breeders love and breed them as guardians and protectors of the family.

How much does it cost to sell Vietnamese Grass dog?

There are many different types of dogs with different prices. Here is our dog price list:

Dog breedPrice
Indochinese dingo dog1.5 Milions/ a dog
Hmong dog with short tailseveral hundred to 2 million/ a dog
Bac Ha Dogover 2 million/ a dog
Phu Quoc Dog3.5-7.5 Milions/ a dog
Bán chó ta có giá bao nhiêu?
How much ?

It can be said that dogs are the most popular pets in Vietnam. Although many foreign dog breeds have been imported into Vietnam, Cops remain the most popular breed. Stories of Dogs&cats hope that through this article, you can have more useful information about this cute dog line, so that you can choose a pet reasonably.
